Wednesday, September 2, 2009

THE STING...~At Long Last~...Tuscan...
« Thread Started Today at 9:30am »

By: tuscan9
02 Sep 2009, 05:46 AM EDT
Rating: post rating 0 Msg. 864211 of 864225
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~At Long Last ~

* We bought cmki....some bought cmkm.....then cmkx....then revoked shares...

* 'THEY' (company insiders) SAW the demise...and set the trap... entraping the greedy Wall Street Hedgefunds and Brokers plus all the Crime Family Heads that had scammed for decades.

* Decades of Criminals doing as they please.. why should Brokers think anyone could stop their fun? question wasn't even entertained.
How could anyone stop them or figure out WHO amongst the criminals was doing anything wrong.. they hit the market and tossed the stock
before the next guy knew what hit 'em.

* But all good things come to a end... and Maheu et al finally had a vehicle to go after issues on his mind, that were far beyond cmkm or overstock or sssu ..but to accomplish his long thought venue he NEEDED vehicles and some REALLY brave company heads along with a company with VALUE.
He found it... (I would imagine he is the only one who could put that bumper sticker on his car and KNOW what it really meant...
remember that I FOUND IT sticker?

* Draw in all REAL stock secretly... secure it safely.. then go out and pump the stock, smile and have a fun time.. talk to folks.. and have 'em buy your stock and then pull the 'stockplay of a lifetime'..
REVOKE yourself and 'stop the music' on the Wall Street Boyz.

* Wallstreet curled like a slug with salt poured on it !
What? 'How could THEY do that to us?' I am sure the Crime bosses yelled. Others murmured down the corridors of Wall Street as things started to fall apart at the seams.. as the uneasy rest started being felt.

* TSUNAMI... cmkx'ers heard that word and wondered...

* A 'few good men' were busy with modern technology..(not just abc guys know how to use it !
while CERTS were being ASKED for by 1000's of normal, unassumming people that were told there is no such thing as Naked Shorting by
those answering the brokerage house phones.

* The counter started showing the incoming shares certed...
There were 'characters' amongst us, we were warned. Many laughed,
sneered and said that just can't be so.
Sandia and government entities started hitting the CERT site..
now, some shareholders said 'hmmm'.. others still denied the stock
was anything but 'cmkm in a box'. And those folks sort of 'assigned' to make our friendship during this escapade for brokers and government agencys tried to and succeeded to get our naive friendship
while we DD'd the Mining world and watched the Canadian Map change many a time. All the while.. most real unsuspecting shareholders
thought everyone WAS a shareholder.

* STING was yelled.. (in fact, lol.. many STINGS).. with shareholders
or the plants (?)
still yelling you are nutz ! go away... get lost.. Tyler boyz joined in and put up a DARE to prove a STING was even possible..remember that ridiculous thrashing... unusual to say the least to see so-called company folks step on boards and start DARES with money laid on the line, to boot. yes, the fight was on from all sides... and we shareholders knew we were being READ and WATCHED
and manuevered and pushed around.

* imo, Maheu could not have gone forward without the impressive
response the cmkm shareholders pulled off. They all complied.. a
massive surprise to see folks who have little means go ahead and
pay for certs that were deemed worthless. Tal about SUCCESS !!

* At the stage the cert counter rang a CERTAIN NUMBER of shares
Maheu 'et al' must have let out a smiling hooray! Between that successful endeavor and the wonderful thing called a INTERNET which he never had before to fight a fight... IT was under way !!

* Let's don't forget that those in cmki/cmkm, years back, remember the hush of the test and the total silence after that.. it was LOCKDOWN time.. fly overs... don't forget that and also
WHO else did their OWN 'Fly OVER' Things were now hoppin' behind the scenes !!

* Meanwhile, back on the Internet boards shareholders are assuming
its close.. accomplished.. we did our part.
NOPE. But could they tell us that when they knew it was years OUT?
Not really... so they sent in the clowns.. or maybe a nicer name would be ' 'Hansel and Gretle' types to drop clues.. and send us down the Primrose Lane for years with ongoing 'droppings' of info that meant zippo at the time, but we had to keep it on the left side of the desk or in our memory bank until we could piece it together.

* Those of us that realized early on that it was a STING(sss) were in
a situation of understandingthat PERFECT TIMING of EVENTS would be taking place at their DUE TIME..not before, and most of it was now most likely on the TIMING of the government. Afterall, it was them that had to do plenty of PAPERTRAIL to appease the public that was going to find out plenty in the near future.. and answers would have
to have been recorded on the Internet and appeared that things were done. Ya know.. the story had to be concocted then played out !

* A 'FEW GOOD MEN and WOMEN' were set to work, and the LEVERAGE grew as massive info was stacked on the table for Maheu to use at his perfect moment in time.

* I use Maheu in this, lets call it 'script'.. but he was by far not alone in this mess of a venture. We saw many a top knotch name
enter this saga.... all for a micro penny revoked stock?

* Skipping way ahead now, we saw the dollar destabilize.. was that on purpose.. we saw wealthy leave the country with their buck AHEAD of the mess on WallStreet.. Did they KNOW to do that .. lol..
(must be nice to have a whisper in your ear to 'get out of Dodge')

* The deriviative issue was starting to tick off Europe and both sides of the pond.. no books were balancing.

* G/7 - G/20.. China are pressuring for monetary stability.

* Financing was ramping up for everyone.. come get a house.
Tricky... when you are about to be exploited for what you have done wrong for decades.. and the deriviative issue is crumbling.. throw a bone to Joe Public and make a mess of things so you can later say Joe was a dummie for doing what he did.. 'Its all Joe's fault

* THEN,....Humpty Dumpties Wall Street had a roaring Wave that rolled through Wall Street like the TSUNAMI were had heard about.
Now the word Fit the puzzle !

* Electronic Trading.....we heard about that way before the new
trading platform was established..hmmm,

* Treasury 'dollar'...... well, wait on that one. YET to COME !
But remember the rumors flying about Rainbow Money..?? hmm

* Remember when rumor was FDIC would NOT be on the Banks anymore..
wait on that one also... but, what is roaring across the Internet now.. far out of the reach of cmkm boards. weird, huh?

* Bank Failures.. why did we know that was coming BEFORE it did..
down to the names of the ones we watched for...
and its not yet overwith...more to come on Bank Failure.

* Mining DD was massive back when......we crossed names from one
company to another .. saw the lists of companies connected to major
ones and heard the world CONGLOMERATE a long time ago.

* The rr.......the wonderful renounceable rights !
Now, why would brokers send in 'their' clowns to befriend us, smile and ask what we know.. share stuff.. or bash us like crazy for years.. whichever part they were assigned to take on... ?

(I insert here that this write is all in my opinion... if that is still in this late date a necessity !)

Renounceable Rights is a decision.. Key words here cling to my mind...
in order to knock the socks off Wall Street and defunk Banks ..
VALUE has to be heavy...have leverage and make 'em sit up and bark !
What country doesn't want what Canada holds..
What person would not like stock in that?
What broker would not want to be on the lower level of IPO's?

for years, while much has been going on all around us.. some have been busy making it their duty (paid to tell us we hold
zippo. Our CERT is worthless. We are dummies.

I, for one, do not deem my CERTs worthless... not when I have watched the StockPlay of a Lifetime, in no uncertain words, and seen the
Wall Street come crashing all around and all the chapters of my script in this saga come true..and the script was written long before the FACT.

We are not capable of making this stuff up.....but some have certainly kept us fed info at the perfect TIMING to keep and hold our interest.....and we never broke as a group.

That is the demise of the bad boyz......

The Internet kept those worldwide in cmkm ALERT..CONNECTED.. and
Educated ! Ya just can't beat that !
and the bad boyz drug it out too long for their benefit in the end.
If they had let the payout go a couple years ago.. the entire
shareholder base would have put some money in the Market and LOST IT .. bought a house.. and by now, would be pretty much holding much less money and entraped in a home (or many homes) worth much less than they paid... that couldn't be sold.

Now, most that are not on the boards.. shareholders that know little about what they own have seen the Market mess.. see what has been told them has come to be.. and they WILL now listen for at least a few minutes to those of us that have kept up with the entire ride of this saga.

Bad Boy loses all around. The shareholder base will be one to reckon with .. not naive any longer ~

Was yesterday a good day..? YUP!
One giant step for cmkx'ers !

Best to all ! Congrats on hanging in there !


...Flying Moose(cmkxunofficial)

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